Friday, April 23, 2010

I'll eat you up I love you so

Where-The-Wild-Things-Are_476x357.jpg where the wild things are image by FR3SHSCENE

When Hailee was about 2 years old, Brian and I would have to read this book to her EVERY night at bedtime! So imagine the memories that came flooding back when she chose this book to do a book report and diorama on last week. It was kinda fun watching her do it because it was really her first school project. It was kinda funny because as I was walking up to school with her that morning, it was pretty obvious that most of the students had quite a bit of help, and here's Hailee with this diorama that looked VERY MUCH like a 6 year old did it ALL on her own. She was SO proud of it though.

There it is. My joey's first school project. She got a 100% by the way. :)


Matt n Jessica said...

She did a great job!

Anonymous said...

I love how creative she is! She did an awesome job!

FerraroFam said...

She did so good on this. Such a great choice in books.