Hailee lost her first tooth! I was so surprised. I totally didn't think it was time to start losing teeth yet, but when she came up to me and showed me, I immediately started crying! It just seems like such a big girl thing to do and I'm not ready!! But the poor girl just stood there and said "Mom, why are you freaking out?" She's so funny! Anyway, it came out about 2 days later while she was eating cereal, and we never found it. I'm thinking she may have swallowed it. So she wrote a letter to the tooth fairy telling her that she lost her tooth, but she can't find it and put it uner her pillow. The tooth fairy left her about $3.85 or something. It was all the money she had on her at the time. haha. The second one was QUITE a bit trickier though! It was loose for at least 2 weeks! We were constantly telling her to "work that tooth" and Brian had to finally pull it out with dental floss. By the time we got it out she didn't even have the big gap because both big teeth are growing in. Oh well. Isn't she cute??
K, keep coming by! I have lots more to update. I just want to save some good stuff for later!! And now that I said it, I HAVE to do it!
She's so beautiful! Her looks are changingso much! (She's always been a cutie pie. She just lookssi grown up now) Ethan hasn't lossed any teeth yet, so maybe soon!
"certain people" I suppose that means me, right? Well I'm glad you posted!! I think your blog looks adorable! I still kinda' chuckle over your reaction when Hailee told you about her loose tooth! I saw you crying and I just thought, "Poor, Lissa... "
Yes Amy, "certain people" was directed at you! But you did get me blogging right? haha.
Ohh.. she is just TOO cute!
That is so funny. I was the one yanking out Miranda's first tooth with a paper towel and SHE cried, now she's lost the two on the bottom, I'm not as excited for the top one that's a little loose. That's when they start looking really silly.
I'm so glad you're updating by the way.
We are excited to see you back in the bloggin world! Your hailey is such a cutie! I love the toofless smiles.
She is getting all grown up! She is so beautiful and looks like her mom...I think so anyway. Keep the posts coming!
She really is a cutie, I can see a lot of you in her but a lot of Brian too. Madisin hasn't lost any of her teeth yet but she can't wait she keeps asking when she will since a lot of the other kids in her class already have. Anyway keep up the posts love to see pics of the family.
Ha ha, Kaleb lost his first top front tooth and asked me the other day if I was going to put his tooth under his pillow for the tooth fairy, but I had to tell him he had to wait until the tooth fairy got paid cause she is broke right now lol..... And at least you didn't make the mistake of telling Hailee that her teeth would fall out if she didn't brush them and totally forget that they loose their first set of teeth lol, then she would be freaking out like Kaleb did lol
hahahaha...poor Kaleb. I actually forgot to give Hailee money for her second tooth. She woke up and she was like "look mom! The tooth Fairy forgot me" And I just told her, sorry honey, sometimes she has SO many places to go that she can't get to everyone in one night. haha. I'm about ready for some kid at school to blow the lid off the whole tooth fairy/santa thing for me. I don't want to do it, but...
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