Thursday, April 9, 2009

Mom, what's this?

I knew I would have to explain this eventually, but I didn't think it was coming this soon!! I was doing dishes tonight, and Hailee was looking through my purse and pulling stuff out. She got a hold of my Ipod, my lip gloss, my library card, and the next thing I know, I hear "mom, what's this". I look over and she has a tampon in her mouth, and she's blowing on one end of the applicator trying to get the tampon to come out the other end! I of course start laughing hysterically, so Hailee says, "what?? Is it a telescope?" And she proceeds to put it up to her eye and try to look through it. So I sat her down and explained exactly what it was and what I did with it. Naturally she was horrified, but I think I explained it well enough, that she walked away from the conversation not TOO terrified of what's to come. Wow, I need to start being more prepared for these talks. She's obviously not going to wait as long as I thought she would to ask questions. And she's just way too inquisitive. She can't just take my simple explainations and be ok with them, she has to ask me EVERY little question, and WHY this and that happen, and WHERE things go...***SIGH***I guess I'll just have to deal with the fact that she's growing up. Anyway, just thought i'd share. haha


Anonymous said...

So cute, my 5 year old Brooke is the same way!

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha!!! That's great!! Next thing, you might want to explain is how getting married to another girl doesn't mean that you can magically have babies...

Elissa said...

hahahaha...yeah, I thought we decided to leave that one alone for now.

Jen said...

oh that is hilarious! I don't look forward to those conversations. Eliott had to have one w/ Riley one day while I was gone about where babies come out of. I haven't had to explain the other way yet since I have c-sections. so it is kinda funny picturing him explaining that!! gotta love inquisitive little minds!

Amanda said...

Oh how funny. miranda has to know everything too. It was funny to hear the way Mike explains how the baby gets into mommy's belly. haha
I'm pretty sure she understands that men get a bag of seeds when they marry a woman and then they put them in the wife to grow. That's all she needs to know, man, woman, married, end of story. ;)

Lonni said...

That's great! How funny. I am scared to death about explaining things. We've had to do some explaining to our oldest and I was shaking the whole time. I'm a wimp though!

♥Brittany♥ said...

Ha ha! That is funny..... Kaleb has asked me what it was and I wanted to explain it but I didn't so your on the right track! What do you do when your little BOY asks what it is??? Lol, he gets grossed out when someone says boob lol

The Owens said...

OH MY GOSH!! I could not imagine having to explain that to the twins right now....... WOW

Gina Lee said...

Okay thats so funny! I am glad Porter is still young enough to not ask questions about this next baby. But I do have a C-section scar that will buy me some time on how they come out. haha. Oh the wonders of Motherhood! She sounds like a little comic!

FerraroFam said...

Oh wow, Madisin has sort of asked but never to the point where I needed to go into detail. You are so brave, I just tell my kids its mommy's please leave it alone. I am hoping she doesn't get to curious too fast.