She is the just the most amazing little girl, and I feel so blessed to have her.
Next...We went to Utah this past week to take Brian's brother Chris to the MTC. It was a little sad just kicking him out at the curb, but I guess that's how we have to do it now. We're all so proud of him though!
We got to spend some time with family, visit temple square and most importantly eat some amazing food! We played a little Chapel slappel too. It's a game we made up that is based off of the classic "slug bug" game, where every time we saw an LDS chapel, we slapped each other. haha. We were pretty bruised up by the end of the trip. And unfortunately, when the rest of us got sick of playing, Hailee did not. Poor thing, the only kid among a bunch of fuddy duddys. haha. Here are a few of the other pictures. Enjoy!